Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Razzle Dazzle Your Kids

This blog is written by stay-at-home mom Rachel. She currently has 2 cute kids, with two more on the way. She's always been one who has truly enjoyed keeping her kids entertained with activities and projects, and entertains many of the other kids in the neighborhood by orchestrating many preschool activities as well.

As for those ideas she has, many of them are her own and she builds upon them using the resources listed on her blog, crediting the sources for each one so you can find them too. Rachel does a great job at taking themes and creating all types of fun things to do around them - building crafts, learning games, singing new songs, making treats, etc. There are holiday ideas and some general tips for parents (like how to save some money!) as well. And we can't forget her book reviews. She has some favorite children's books and provides her insights about how worthwhile they are to read to the younger kids.

Razzle Dazzle Your Kids is a very fun blog! Anyone who has run out of ideas about how to entertain children would really appreciate Rachel's posts. Everyone from parents to babysitters to teachers could glean many ideas from the fun ideas she shares. Go have some fun and find out how to Razzle Dazzle your kids too!

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